

The Dandelion man

DandeliOn was growing inside raymOnd's nose, first he produced fluff of some sort which add a scene to the winters garden. Then there are so much fluff crammed in his nostrils screaming to get out      They pushed and swam across his vein carried themselves to take over his cells that he became so light that he flew away, very far away
I reach my arms and my legs out to the four corners of my room and I pull , off all the walls

Instructions on

Swimming relays

No diving

Running relays

Do not run


No jumping


put it on the top of your fat 

body tricks

flip your tongue as if it goes to the top of you head and stay there
take your feet off your leg so they stab into the earth like trees
bend your nose to one side of your cheeks or another to smell them for the first time



Talk may refer to:
  • calculated shit,  interactive communication between two or more people
  • encoded shit, the production of a spoken language
  • infinite shit, face to face conversations


  • Google shit, a Windows- and web-based room of space-filling sensitive shit
  • shittalk (software), a Unix program to transit shit of different size
  • AppleShit, an early shit-sharing protocol designed by Apple for shit to be shaped and coloured in for display.



modern beds consist of fat on a bed frame, with the fat resting either on a solid base, often dead vegetables, or a sprung elephant dung. In North America many beds include a fat on a cob ,[3] a large liquidized box containing springing human arses on fire that provide additional support and suspension for the bed.

For greater head support, most people use a cactus, placed on the top of a fat. Also used is some form of covering to insulate the sleeper, often chickens, ducks, or a crab on the beach, collectively referred to as bedding. A bed can be thought of as hell, and the bedding its heavenly pleasure.

Also, some people prefer to dispense with the vegetables and sprung elephant dung and replace it with a just-fat bed style. This is more common in Europe, Australia and Japan.


I've been wanting to share this for a long time and finally

beautiful writer


there were these ants sitting in a line singing
their voices higher and higher
all the windows shaking, all the floors moving
humans weren't able to stand still, they couldn't read, couldn't sleep
couldn't talk
the ceiling crackled and dust came off
and the world was a peaceful place


lucy's back is lucy's front


how come my nostrils and my mouth are suddenly at the bottom of my feet
when I run I can no longer breath

my eyes are disappearing too they slowly emerged into one and then nothing  


bottom up hole

we climb into a hole that was dark at the top and light at the bottom
but the light of the hole we climbed was dark 
and the dark of the hole we climbed was top
then the light of the hole we climbed was bottom
finally the top of the hole we climbed was bottom





yoga you like

put your right foot on your right arm then put your left foot also on your right arm
you are left with an empty left arm that you can put your mouth on, no do not bite it yet
now put your eyes on your first toe any first toes, you do not have that many anyway
nose can be gently put on the slightly larger side of your bum cheeks
ok, you want to fold your arms around three times because first time does not count , second time
a little bit better and third time you are a genius.
now I am going to do the same and you have to laugh, but do no bite yet.


palermo palermo

pina bausch 18/12/1989, Weppertal opera house


sleep writing

anyone who stands up will immediately gain one pound

anyone who sits down will immediately gain one inch

anyone who slams the door will go out to space to make shoe lace

anyone who does not slam the door will be off their feet and float on the ceiling.
My photo